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Old 04-05-2019, 08:49 PM
mfoley3 mfoley3 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 87

Originally Posted by Puma Cat View Post
You're welcome, Mike. Hope the input was helpful in your making an informed decision.

Just so you know, Mike, while I also have C-J gear, I don't have any "skin in the game" when it comes to what gear you decide to go with or not. My thought is that any decisions about gear, as John Darko is really good at emphasizing, should really be made based on direct, first-hand experience with it in your own home in your own listening room, in your own comfortable place and with a relaxed yet involved mind-set. You can't get there at an audio show or even at a dealer showroom. And that is what's going to matter so much more than what Alan Sircom or Roy Gregory say in a review.

When I used to teach statistics in my Design for Six Sigma classes to PhD scientists and engineers, I would always say that stats are a tool to help inform your thinking process and provide INSIGHT into what ACTIONS to take and WHY, but also to be very mindful never to focus on what only is statstically significant if it doesn't impact what is PRACTICALLY significant. The only thing that matters in the REAL WORLD is what is practically significant.

Cheers, mate!

Hi Puma Cat, today I placed my order for new CJ gear. I have purchased:
GAT S2 preamp, ART 150 stereo amp and a TEA1S2 phono. The GAT and ART need to be built. The three pieces will be shipped at the same time and are expected in about 2 weeks.

I now need to purchase a new rack (or reconfigure my existing one), additional RCA interconnects and a couple of power cords. I will stick with Ansuz for cables. The rack question is currently unanswered.

Thanks for your assistance and that of the others. I’ll attempt to post some pics once the gear arrives.

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