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Old 02-18-2021, 10:54 PM
Gershon Gershon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 36

Hi, yes I have 2 mb100s, and have modified them as much as possible. Mine have build dates from 2017. I use the flash web interface the most because it's the most convenient for me.

It's easy for me to be an armchair quarterback, but I'm frequently scratching my head on this one. Autonomic just released a major update for their MMS-5A, for which the mb100 is based on.

It would be reasonable to assume that one of McIntosh's core values is product longevity - that's one of the reasons to justify the price, etc. But with the massive mistakes on the ms300 and ms750 products, and firmware logistic concerns on other products, that McIntosh would be dedicated to righting the ship. But here we are, with a major function of the mb100 outdated, along with the security concerns of having the mb100 on a network, and we're in the dark as to if the mb100 will ever be updated again. Mine are only less than 4 years old. No trade-up program? No communication at all for concerned customers? I think the whole experience has soured me a bit on the brand, especially how easy it seems to do the right thing, especially if Autonomic can do it for their old products. You can get an MMS-5A on eBay for a couple hundred bucks, and it's getting fresh firmware updates.

Originally Posted by Golucid View Post
Crossing my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross that both McIntosh and Autonomic-Controls will follow-through. If I understand you correctly, you have to MB100s? I do as well. I anticipated being delighted with a WebGUI update. Until then, I am able to use smart device APPs, AirPlay and I have an old copy of Windows 10 that will still run in virtual mode that will still render Flash.

I still believe I mastered for the large part, the MB100.
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