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Old 10-15-2020, 01:01 PM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Charles View Post
Serge, I might as well tell you the ancient measurement system is cubits. 10.5' is 6 cubits. Also, a question you haven't asked is the nature of the plans. What was the language? I'm not able to answer because the plans aren't mine anymore. However, these folks are like us. They are just far far far more advanced.

I suppose when you are truly immortal your whole concept of existence changes. They key to immortality is the control of your genome. Mutation is poison to the human genome. Can you appreciate the irony of it? The complete sadness? These folks can control their genomes. Mutation to them is anathema. Their genomes are immortal and don't ever change, unless they want them to. Their telomeres never shorten. Their cells seldom if ever divide. Immortal cells mean an immortal body. The human body experiences 80 trillion cell divisions a year. This is devastating. The human body essentially replaces itself every year. In 80 years its cells are worn out. The human body was never meant to operate like a bacterial cell. And that's the fallacy of looking at a bacterial cell and appreciating how wonderfully it mutates, and in so doing making the false extrapolation that mutation is how we arrived on the scene.

Humans did not arrive by mutation. We have been damaged/wounded. Our bodies malfunction and mutation is the cause of the malfunction. That's my life's work.

Can you appreciate the box, the prison, the 8x8 cell that medical science has placed itself in? Every effort should be made to first treat and control mutation and as a corollary, aging. With the goal of eventually eliminating mutation (the very process science now worships) and restoring the genes necessary to increase our lifespans, with the goal eventually being immortality. A green efficient body poses not threat to the environment.



Charles, science is actively working towards reversing the aging process...

Dr. David Sinclair, from Harvard Medical School, and his colleagues reveal their new findings in the latest issue of Science. They focused on an intriguing compound with anti-aging properties called NAD+, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It’s been known that younger mice had more of it than older mice and back in 2013, the researchers found that when they boosted the NAD+ levels in older mice, they looked, biologically, like much younger animals.

In the latest paper, the scientists revealed new details on how NAD+ works to keep cells young. Sinclair put drops of NAD+ into the water of a group of mice, and within a couple of hours, their NAD+ levels started to rise. Within the first week, the scientists saw obvious age reversal in muscle and improvements in DNA repair. “We can’t tell the difference between the tissues from an old mouse that is two years old versus a young mouse that is three to four months old,” Sinclair says.

As to cubits... If the ET passed the "cubit" system down to the Egyptians and the Romans, then something must have obviously been lost in the translation given that the Cubit system would be difficult to standardize since it was based on a body parts... Everyone's forearm is different.

Not being a critic, just thinking out loud.

Following your posts with great interest.