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Old 09-19-2021, 06:20 PM
SCAudiophile SCAudiophile is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Greenville SC
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The Python with the material you can hear when you move the cable may be an original Python VX (2006-2010 or so, I used those, Taipan and Anaconda, both VX and non-VX). It may also be a newer version of that.

I cannot comment on whether putting a VX before a TQR is detrimental but it sure is unecessary (IMHO) as those VX cords were made for DACs, transports, players, processors, CRTs, anything with a processor. A non-VX cord is a better choice for a Tv2 + TQR chain or any of the newest v1 or v2 non-NR cables.

FWIW....Shunyata or others may have a better or more correct opinion.

As I understand the TQR, it may take some time to reach steady state. Measure noise on line out of the Tv2 duplexes at least an hour and then again several hours later.

I do not know if TQR affects the whole circuit downstream or not. That's a question for Caelin.
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