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Old 08-17-2021, 05:33 PM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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One does not need to be a molecular biologist to learn from history. History says pandemics do not go away. Bubonic Plague lasted a few hundred years and there are still rare cases these days. HIV took over 20 years to "manage" but not eradicate. COVID is not going away just like any other respiratory virus.

Israel is mostly vaccinated. Why then??? Why are their rates of new infections rising? Well, leaky vaccines certainly are not going to help...

Folks, stay healthy, exercise, eat right, build up your immunity the best you can. Vaccinate if you are in the risk group and get used to the fact that this covid will be around but eventually it will not be looked at any differently than the various flu and pneumonia that take over a million lives a year globally. Yes, there are vaccines available against pneumonia and yet the elderly do not rush out to get them and die....

Good read on variants vs vaccines

If you are curious, look at the vaccination rate of some of the African countries... Less than 2% vaccinated. What does that mean? Are they all going to die? NOPE~

Last edited by PHC1; 08-17-2021 at 06:14 PM.
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