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Old 09-26-2022, 12:48 AM
tima tima is offline
Living La Vida Vinyl
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 1,405

Hi Joey,

I sent the following to you in an e-mail. You may have tried these items or may want to try them again.

Sometimes when switching cables from one linestage to another, the
cables can get mixed up. You know the following already, but I'll say it

-- The Ref 10 has 7 input connectors which can be balanced or
single-ended. Check that it is using the correct input for the device
you want to use. Check that the output to your amplifier are the ones
selected on the Ref 10.

-- Try a different input.

-- Try a different input device such as the Ref 10 Phono or a
different digital source.

-- Make sure it is not on Mute.

-- Turn it off and unplug the power cord from the wall for a minute or
two. Turn your amp off. After waiting, turn your amp on, then plug in the linestage and turn it on.

-- Watch the start-up screen closely as it boots up. Look for any messages that might flash by.

-- Turn it off and check that all tubes are seated properly. Check the
power cords from the power supply to the control unit are seated
properly. Check the fuse on the back of the power supply.
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