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Old 10-12-2020, 02:21 PM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Charles View Post

Theoretical physics is in a box from which it cannot escape. So is modern medical science. Both disciplines undeniably embrace the paradigm of mutation and aging as both natural and necessary for the creation of the next species beyond humanity. Both disciplines see nothing wrong or out of order with the human genome. Both believe it is functioning properly.

However, the symptoms of a malfunctioning genome are all the diseases we suffer from. Those of you who who believe in the paradigm of random chance, i.e. that we got here by mutation are blinded to the truth. We are not accidents of nature.

Biological Life has no Signature or smoking gun other than finding foreign/alien DNA and a foreign/alien DNA code. That's why the search for Life as NASA is doing it is a waste of time.

These are a few of my opinions. Now if you are proponent that mutation and aging is natural, needed, and inevitable you will say that I am totally misguided but I will say the same about you, no disrespect intended. We simply have a strong difference of opinion. I respect your opinion.


Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp
“We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light.”
And the modern science of photobiology is presently proving this. In terms of healing the implications are immense. We now know, for example, that quanta of light can initiate, or arrest, cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light.

“We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire
metabolism is dependent on light.” ………..Dr. Fritz Albert Popp