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Old 10-23-2020, 11:52 AM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Charles View Post
Adam, I am truly sorry you feel this way. I see you on the science channel occasionally. This is one little forum and one little thread in that little forum. An ad hominem attack is an attack against a particular person. I mean no disrespect at all to you and certainly have not attacked you personally in anyway. Also, I haven't attacked any scientist that I am aware of. I am sorry I have seemed to have hit a nerve and that you find my comments about the deficiency and inadequacy of modern physics and inadequacy and impotency of modern science in general offensive. I am surprised to have caught your attention again. I thought Ivan took Serge and me off the mainline and put us in the forum where only the nuts gather to converse with each other, i.e. the X-files. I believe that what constitutes a diatribe to you and crwilli and audioguy might not be considered as such to others. It all depends on your perspective. I would urge caution to anyone reading the X-file forum: Careful, you might encounter ET.


Throughout the ages, history is full of examples of the "academia" defending their positions, right or wrong. Persecution, imprisonment, death, all were dished out vehemently for those who put forth opposing views or criticized the educated and the opinionated seeking control and placement on the upper perches of the societal totem pole.

Fortunately one can express a dissatisfaction or criticism of the scientific progress or offer an opposing view if so equipped without all the extra drama of losing a head or rotting away in a dungeon these days.

If only science was always right...

It will be a very long time before we unlock all the mysteries when it comes to our own bodies, planet and especially the universe. We are very much in our infancy when it comes to knowledge. Still, not too shabby for being around "only" 300,000 years or so.

Respect and good luck to all the present and future scientists, the civilization is counting on them to fumble, blush, throw temper tantrums and eventually for the lucky few to say AHA! There it is!

Not everyone is destined to escape the "scientific box" as Charles puts it but we only need a few here and there.