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Old 08-03-2021, 10:55 PM
Charles Charles is offline
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imprezap2 the point of the thread was to demonstrate the need for a straight down shot. I was surprised at the effect skew had with respect to the bubble's position within the circle. I wanted the speakers level with the floor, believing my floor to be quite level, which it is. However, it would cost me at least another grand to get them out to my house again, and I doubt that any meaningful improvement could be achieved. Let me say again, I believe if I could achieve a better straight down shot I believe the bubble would be even better centered within the circle. Also, let me reiterate that the level is quite small. The circle even much smaller. And the bubble even smaller. When I get up on my tippy toes and observe the bubble from front to back, the skew moves the bubble significantly to the front.

You are correct though. I do not feel worthy to own these speakers. I did something nuts. I bought a "Lamborghini" way out of my class. I am much more an "Alexx" than an XVX. But I sure do enjoy them.

Best and I have enjoyed meeting you,

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