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Old 10-28-2018, 04:38 PM
carlthess40 carlthess40 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 58
Default Help with a beginner Vinyl system

Ive been to a persons home that say they have a X amount of money in a turntable and it sounds like crap. 90% of the time people either don’t know how to setup a table properly or think that it’s all ready setup from the factory. I’ll bring my audio tuneup bag with me all the time when I go to hear someone’s system. I’ll ask them how do they think it sounds. Most often they say , well I thought it would sound a lot better then it does. I’ll ask them if I can take a look at how it’s setup and most of the time they say ok
I’ll get my little gadgets out and the first of a few things I find it the cart is out of alignment and the anti skate is either not on or is over weighted After about a hour or so I’ll reset all the things that are wrong with how it’s setup and they are overwhelmed with how much better it is
I’ve taken a 100 dollar TT to one of those home audio meetings with the host having
A system to die for. I will ask him if I could setup my cheap TT on a little table near his system and do the A/B test for his guests, most of them are cool about it and I’ll get it all setup and we will fire it all up. We will put a bed sheet in front of the tables so the people can’t see what’s playing.
After downing this about 8 or 9 times I’ve only had 3 people tell what table was what
And that’s with anywhere between 10 to 20 people at each meeting
What I’m saying is this. Most of the time it’s in how you setup your table that makes the most of what you have. I’ve Seen 10k tables that sound like the gods are singing and I’ve seen tables that only cost a few hundred and sound almost as good. Not saying they sound as good, but pretty close for most people. How many people do you know that have a ultra sonic LP cleaner?
How many people make sure that the table is level? And the anti skate is setup the right way? The list goes on and on
This guy has a very very sweet setup now
If he just wants to get his feet wet, what’s wrong with getting a 300 dollar denon or what ever other brand is at his local audio store? He can buy it and try it out for up to 30 days. If he does not like it. Then return it
And get his money back. If he like it, then start the never ending road of upgrades of carts and weights and cables and all that stuff. You can buy a 300 TT and turn it into a 5k table in no time.
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