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Old 10-04-2020, 08:47 PM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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Seriously??? One has to take a giant leap of BS to believe that Inca was behind it.

The Incas had no iron or steel, so their armor and weaponry consisted of helmets, spears, and battle-axes made of copper, bronze, and wood.

This is from a civilization that had no hardened steel tools.

Machu Picchu’s Intihuatana has been carved from a huge slab of rock, standing on the highest elevation within the Inca citadel. This part is often called the Sacred Plaza. It follows a tiered, pyramid-like setup, with a small rock needle at the top.

The four sides of the Intihuatana represent the 4 cardinal points (north, south, east, and west).

Its primary function was most certainly astronomical. It looks a bit like a sundial, and that is actually not far away from the truth. During the two equinoxes (so March 21st and September 21st) the sun stands directly above the Intihuatana – creating no shadow whatsoever. This is only possible because the upper part of the Intihuatana stone has an inclination of around 13 degrees. The fact alone is marvelous since similar stones in the area of Quito didn’t require this angle and hint and the grand depth of the astronomical knowledge of the Inca.