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Old 10-03-2020, 02:48 PM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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Originally Posted by FreddieFerric View Post
Interesting thoughts Serge. But, if ancient civilizations (either from this planet or brought to this planet) existed and then extinguished themselves, where is the geological evidence of their existence?

We find the remains of flora and fauna from the mesozoic era and even further back into the geological record. But there has never been, to my knowledge, the discovery of ancient civilizations, their buildings or structures, beyond the Mesopotamian Civilization around 8000 BC.

If some other civilization existed that pre-dated Mesopotamia, say even by millennia, and were sophisticated enough to develop and use nukes, there would have to be some geological evidence of their existence.

Unless of course they just came here to experiment and promptly left thereafter.

Hmm, many thoughts on that.

First I believe the oceans may cover much of what was not covered by water before. Hence the findings of what seems to be the remnants of cities that have long since been submerged under water. We are still looking for Atlantis.

There are many secrets hidden right in front of us but we are still to discover them. The lost Mayan city recently discovered in the Guatemalan Jungle shows signs of pyramids and population estimates over a million...

On the surface and that which is accessible and studied by now:

To me the existence of advanced civilizations and/or extra-terrestrial help is all around us.

The pyramids alone are a testament to the fact that we still do not know for sure how they were built with such precision in the absence of hardened tools to work with materials we are presented with and for what purpose. Burial chambers is becoming less and less logical as more of the pyramids are studied over the decades. Alternate theories abound.

Just a small example: Serapeum of Saqqara.
To achieve a precision of something along the lines of 1/100 inch polished granite slab that serves as a cover to a tomb and weighs over 30 tons. The tomb itself is approx 70 tons. Supposedly used as a tomb for the "holy bull" Apis? What? What tool could have been used on granite before the Iron Age? We would be hard pressed to achieve that today let alone men back then with simple rope, stone, sand and perhaps some soft metals like bronze and gold to work with. We don't have those answers.

At the same time we have Egyptian hieroglyphics on that same tomb resembling chicken scratch because they did not have anything hard enough to do a good job??? How about the idea that maybe that tomb was there way before the Egyptians?

So exactly how old is the Sphinx? There are many modern theories now pointing to the evidence it must be MUCH older than previously thought. Why does the "FACE" on Mars that is supposed to be a trick of light and shadows matches the face of the Sphinx when examined and superimposed by scientists looking into it?

How about the temples carved into the mountainside in India and other places? Carved out of solid rock under the ground in Ethiopia and other places. Quite ambitious projects and a monumental challenge even by today's standards. We have the advanced tools today that the civilizations that built temples and pyramids supposedly did NOT and yet we do not take on such projects today due to complexity and time it would take to complete.

Surely we could impress the future generations with some monumental creation that would withstand tens or even hundreds of thousands of years? Maybe not? Our impressive cities with skyscrapers would not last much beyond a few thousand years before turning into dust.

Perhaps the Mount Rushmore would be a testament to the future generations as to what we could accomplish? Evidently we can't even build like our ancestors...

That is just a few examples. The topic is too broad and vast to be able to put it into words that would convey even a small segment of the possibilities of history and life on a planet of 4 billion years old and a homo sapien trying to make sense out of it all being around 200,000 years and asking those questions while being able to truly probe for maybe the last few hundred years?

Last edited by PHC1; 10-03-2020 at 02:53 PM.